Thursday, 20 November 2008

Golspie School 1840 - 1846

17th April 1840
Golspie School – the examination of this excellent seminary took place on the 26th ult., at which the Rev. A Macpherson of this place, and the Rev. J. Campbell of Kildonan were the examiners. In every branch the scholars acquitted themselves in a manner such as reflected great credit on them and their teacher, as well as their parents, a great many of the latter of whom were present. Such was the regularity and accuracy, notwithstanding the smallness of the school that every tongue was loud in praise of the manner in which matters were managed.

23rd April 1841
Examination of the School of Golspie
The annual examination of this school taught by Mr John Thomson took place on the 6th inst., in presence of the Rev. Messrs, Macpherson, Golspie; Mackenzie, Rogart and a number of the parents of the children, as also others interested in the education of youth. The pupils acquitted themselves, as usual, to the admiration of all present; and the Rev. Mr Mackenzie, in addressing them expressed himself highly pleased and gratified with their attainments, which reflected equal credit on themselves and their indefatigable teacher. On the following day, a committee of the parishioners met in the school-house and presented Mr Thomson with a copy of “Henry’s Commentary on the Bible” handsomely bound, and also an elegant Silver watch and appendage, bearing the following inscription – “Presented to Mr John Thomson, Schoolmaster of Golspie, by the Parishioners and others interested in the education of youth, in testimony of their sense of his zeal and efficiency as a teacher”.

27th May 1842
Miss Miller’s school in Golspie was recently examined by appointment of the Presbytery of Dornoch with much attention and the result was very satisfactory. The branches taught by Miss Miller are English reading and grammar, writing, arithmetic, history and geography, French, music, drawing, flowering, coloured work and white seam. Her pupils exhibited very satisfactory and promising specimens of their progress, shewing (sic) on the part of Miss Miller, much attention and industry, united with a very good method.

10th April 1846
The Free Church School of Golspie underwent a searching examination on Tuesday, the 31st ultimo, by the Rev. Messrs Mackenzie, Golspie and Macdonald, Helmsdale. We notice the English reading first, on account of its excellence – both the pronunciation and inflection were very accurate. In geography the scholars displayed not only an intimate acquaintance with the places, but a very extensive knowledge of the historical incidents connected with them. The grammar was admirable; and the arithmetic, if possible better. In arithmetic no slates were used, the classes being examined only on its principles. We could perceive that the scholar of the highest class were a good deal disappointed on being told that want of time prevented their being examined on chemistry, which Mr Thomson has taught them gratuitously for the last six months. On the whole, the children acquitted themselves in a manner highly creditable to themselves and their teacher.

Sourced by Elizabeth Bell from the Inverness Courier and other newspapers of the day.

See also Mr Thomas Fraser, M.A.

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