Monday, 8 June 2009

Tongue School circa 1955

Tongue School photograph taken around 1954-1955.

Girl sixth from left in back row is Dolina Manson Marshall from Blandy. Boy next to her is her cousin Dannie Mackay from Dalcharn, Tongue.

The girl fourth from the left in the back row is Catherine Keith.

Can anyone add any names to this picture or confirm the year?

Photograph sent in by Isabel Griggs, Australia. Thanks Isabel.

Bettyhill School circa 1963

This lovely photograph was taken at Bettyhill School, Farr, around 1962 or 1963.

Young girl at at right hand side, middle row, is Dolina Manson Marshall from Blandy.

Can anyone put a name to any others in the photograph? By clicking on the image you will see it full size.

Many thanks to Isabel Grigg, Australia, for sending the photograph.

Oldshore School

Photograph shows the old school house today, a holiday cottage

I started school at Oldshore Primary School, Kinlochbervie in 1952. The teacher was a Miss Elizabeth Fraser, who lived in Droman and she taught classes 1 to 7 in one room. I was Oldshore school for four years.

Gaelic was the language spoken by everyone in the area and most children understood it even if they didn't speak it. I remember my grandfather reading the Gaelic Bible first thing in the morning and last thing at night and this was the norm in most houses.

During my time at Oldshore school I was never taught Gaelic, although it was taught to the older children in the room. I remember this because one day the teacher was giving a Gaelic lesson to the older children and she asked them what the Gaelic for herring was. The boy she asked didn't know and then she made me stand up and give the answer. The teacher told the boy it was a disgrace that he didn't know. For me giving the correct answer I was given a slap in the ear
from the older boy after school for being so smart!!

Hector Macrae
Bonar Bridge

Badcall Inchard School

Badcall School which is now a restaurant.

Snippets from the press but unfortunately no date. Can anyone date this article?

In view of the resignation of Mr D D Todd, MA, headmaster, Badcall-Inchard Public School, it was resolved to advertise for a graduate male teacher.
Dr Macrae was of opinion that a female teacher would carry out the work.
Chairman – There are three side schools.
Dr Macrae – But surely a lady teacher can carry on. It would be very much cheaper and we would no doubt get the same quality of work.
The chairman was of opinion that a male head teacher should be advertised for and in this he was supported by Mr Murray.
Dr Macrae said that a lady teacher carried on the work at Larachan School, where the roll was larger than at Badcall-Inchard.
Mr Lundie did not think a lady teacher would be suitable.
It was carried, as stated, that a male graduate teacher be advertised for.

Lairg School

Prior to the general meeting of the Sutherland Education Committee held in the Sutherland Arms Hotel, Lairg, yesterday (Wednesday) the Bursary Sub-Committee went very fully into the list of applications for bursaries for the current year and effected a saving of £905 on the estimates. When the recommendations of this committee came before the parent body the economy was reduced to a sum of £840. The total sum allocated in bursaries amounts to £1115.

The director of education said that in connection with the proposed extension of the playground at Shinness School, Lairg, the fencing, according to the architect's report, would cost in the region of £20. 0.57 of an acre was proposed as the extension and Mr Horne was not so far in a position to say whether any drainage was required or not.

Mr Hugh Davidson – The extension of the playground at the school is very necessary. The present playground is really too small, and the amount asked by the crofter for the piece of land proposed to be taken over is very reasonable. At present, when the boys play football on the playground there is no room for the girls, and in addition windows get broken. The extension is overdue.

After several members referred to the difficulty which might arise in getting the land, Mr Davidson said the matter was not altogether so mountainous as was made out, and that the area might be got very cheaply. If the proprietor was approached, and they got the tenant's consent, then everything would be in order.

Mr John Ross – There is great necessity for adequate playground facilities here and I have no doubt if the proprietor is approached in the proper way he may make you a gift of the ground.
It was decided to approach the proprietor in regard to the extra piece of ground required for the playground.

Unfortunately I do not have a date for the above but believe it may be 1953. Can anyone confirm or give correct date?

New Head for Golspie 1953

Photograph shows Mr D K Macrae, front row centre, while head of Golspie School with other members of staff. Clicking on the photograph will bring it up larger for viewing.

1953 news tells us that Mr W. Rutherford, native of Helmsdale, Kildonan, head of Golspie senior secondary school in succession to Mr D. K. Macrae who retires at Easter.

Younger son of the late Mr and Mrs Andrew Rutherford, Helmsdale.
Educated at Helmsdale school and Aberdeen University - - - - “
From the Northern Times 30th January 1953

Does anyone have any further information on Mr Rutherford and Mr Macrae?
If so please email me - link on left.

Thanks lots to Shirley Sutherland, Golspie Heritage for above photograph. Lots more pics from Golspie Schools can be seen HERE.
